Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
‘Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful’ (Ann Landers). My guest for this Podcast - Craig Harper is one of Australia’s leading presenters, writers and educators in the areas of health, high-performance, resilience, self-management, leadership, corporate change, communication, stress management, addiction and personal transformation. In this Podcast we discuss the concept of Self-Awareness including Internal and External aspects. I absolutely enjoy the frankness of this guy, particularly in how he reflects on his own life, and the choices and changes he has taken as a result of living a live that keeps self-awareness as a key central factor. As Anthony de Mello stated, “Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one’s awareness of one’s ignorance.” If you want to know how to get to know yourself a little bit better, have a listen.
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
'Influence Me' Leadership Podcast 12 - Eleni Dracakis - Big Egos and Leadership
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
“Ego is just like dust in the eyes. Without clearing the dust, we can’t see anything clearly, so clear the ego and see the world.” (Anonymous.) What a pleasure to discuss matters of ego with Eleni Dracakis. Eleni is a Business Psychologist, entrepreneur and strategist, dedicated to helping leaders and teams thrive. In this Podcast we jump in to the wicked issue of big egos in teams and organisations, and in society more generally. We explore the questions around how egos can be healthy or unhealthy, and what you need to consider if you happen to work for or with someone with a large size ego. Have a listen, you may even recognise someone!
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
‘Influence Me’ Leadership Podcast 11 - Commissioner Greg Leach - Leadership as a Journey
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Commissioner Greg Leach joined the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services in December 2019. With 33 years’ experience in the emergency services, Greg Leach is a highly-regarded emergency services executive with both country and metropolitan fire and ambulance services. Now six months into his current role, Commissioner Leach agreed to speak with me on his own leadership journey, including his early life experiences and influences, and importantly we discussed his views on how personal values are an important foundation for developing and maintaining strong leadership. If you want to get to know Commissioner Greg Leach a little bit better, this is the Podcast for you.
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services keeps Kate busy with the corporate relationships that build community and strengthen the organisation, especially supporting the volunteer services of Rural Fire Service and the State Emergency Service. Sponsorship is too common a word for what happens with that. Outside of that ‘work’, one of Kate’s goals is to build better humans and Kate uses Taekwondo to do that. She has a solid perspective on people that has stemmed for a generation involved in that combat sport, at all levels. She’s also spent many years on many committees and boards in sport, events and clubs including leadership roles at the national level. With passions for volunteering, inclusion and sport, and, as a wife, mother of adult sons and cancer survivor, her busy life still finds time for hobbies of embroidery and medieval history in what can only be described as a ‘hyperactive’ lifestyle.
Kate’s personal core values are INTEGRITY - RESPECT - COURAGE – SERVICE. It’s a pleasure to have Kate as my Podcast 10 Guest.
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
There’s nothing as good as talking with individuals who have lived a full and challenging life, particularly one enriched with many leadership moments. Adrian d’Hage’s life is rich with experience, including his life as a soldier, commencing as a platoon commander and serving in the Vietnam war. He was awarded the Military Cross for ‘gallantry during active operations against the enemy’. He then subsequently rose to the rank of Brigadier, and on concluding his military career, he successfully transitioned into a life as a popular and talented author. It’s a privilege to have Adrian as my Podcast 9 guest. This guy knows something about leadership under duress, and the choices available to leaders during these moments. Want to learn more about this very unique individual after listening to the podcast? Go to adriandhage.com
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
As CEO of the South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN), Dr. Elizabeth Deveny knows a thing of two about leadership. Like most successful leaders, Elizabeth probably learnt a few things the hard way. In this Podcast I discuss matters of values-based leadership with Elizabeth. Martin Luther King Jr. once posed, ‘a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a moulder of consensus’. This Podcast explores how values-based leadership plays a central role in bringing people together for the purpose of achieving organisational success. This is one smart lady, I really love her sense of humour and her clear commitment to human-centric leadership. I’m so honoured to have had this chance to speak with her.
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
‘Influence Me’ Leadership Podcast 7 Mike Wassing AFSM - Mission Command
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
For Podcast 7 I’m delighted to have Deputy Commissioner Mike Wassing AFSM as my guest. Mike has now served in senior leadership roles in two states, and he is well known for his very personable style, and for his values-based leadership approach. The podcast topic is Mission Command, a concept that has been central to the success of countless organisations, both in the military setting and broader. Mission Command has been known to drive success, however certain supporting concepts are required to be in place for Mission Command to be at its best. Listen in to understand what these crucial components are, and what actions you can take to utilise Mission Command concepts.
Friday Apr 10, 2020
'Influence Me' Leadership Podcast 6 Sharn Pogan - Adaptive Leadership
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
As posed by the founder of the Harvard Kennedy School of Public Leadership, Mr Ronald Heifetz, ‘exercising adaptive leadership is about giving meaning to your life beyond your own ambition’. In this Podcast I speak with a respected State Emergency Service volunteer and leader, on matters of leadership within the context of her own personal journey. Enjoy!
Friday Apr 10, 2020
'Influence Me' Leadership Podcast 5 James Haig - The Power of Influence
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Difficult and challenging times require effective leadership. Effective leadership by nature possesses the power to 'influence' without reliance on the blunt and short term solution that is positional power. Enjoy this Podcast where I discuss the nuances of leadership influence with an experienced and respected Rural Fire Service leader.
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
For Podcast 4 of ‘Influence Me’ - it is an absolute pleasure to interview Assistant Commissioner (Rtd) Joanne Crampton M.O.M. who recently concluded an impressive career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I appreciate her discussing with me the ongoing mental health challenges present in the policing and emergency service sector, both nationally and internationally. During this podcast we discuss the 2018 Beyond Blue ‘Answering the call’ report which has shed further light on mental health challenges in the context of this crucial sector. We also discuss the big impact of workplace culture on mental health outcomes. As Glenn Close was quoted as saying “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”